Comsat Direct Warper ENEVO

Comsat Direct Warper ENEVO


Ease of use, versatility and high quality are the starting points of the new direct warper ENEVO.

It presents a series of innovations, obtaining a maximum warp quality and high efficiency with the goal of always offering the maximum performance.


Working width from: 1600 mm to 2400 mm

Maximum warp beam diameter:  1000 mm

Maximum warping speed: 1000 m/min

Beam self-centering

The hydraulic shifting of the beams has a self-centering system as well as an automatic beam doffing device.

Pressing device

The contact pressing cylinder is driven by a hydraulic system that allows adjusting the contact force depending on the yarn to be worked.

This device has a quick backward movement and braking to avoid friction with the yarn during machine stops.

Zigzag reed with oscillation

The zigzag reed allows warping with several yarn densities without need to make any new yarn passages, easily and quickly from the central machine control. Furthermore, this device is equipped with oscillation and reed antiwear system for a perfect warping quality, extending the life of the reed.

Anti yarns crossing device

To avoid yarn breakage by yarns crossing between the reed and the output cylinder, the anti yarns crossing device acts automatically during acceleration of the machine.


ModelDirect Warper ENEVO